For Elio Bona, painting has always been a matter of urgency, not confined to a single technique. Watercolour, however, is the technique that is most used by the artist. Its characteristics make it “difficult” to work with because it does not allow for second thoughts. However this particular quality, instead of increasing the value, is often linked to the reductive concept of fast execution, suitable at most for studies or sketches. For the artist, however, it is a technique that is not only complete but also exciting: indeed, if anything, it forces them to think first or to be in such a state of grace that no rethinking is necessary. The colour is delivered once, by adding water to it, loading or modifying it as the brush fills the spaces identified by the outline of a pencil: in doing so, ensuring that it dries denser in some areas rather than others, that it is uniform or enhanced with different shades.
“My watercolours are all executed based on the real not to represent, not to describe or even suggest, but only to express the wish that every place, every detail depicted, is as it is depicted, and remain as such forever, and that the sum of my places and those details would become the world”.
The exhibition aims to pay tribute to the career of Elio Bona through a number of pieces that testify to his long and heterogeneous artistic path: from the 1960s to the 2000s, from landscapes to architecture, from the human figure to his characteristic watercolours that depict colourful and dreamlike fantasy scenes.
It is an exhibition to celebrate a man who has certainly left his mark on the history of Robecchetto con Induno and neighbouring municipalities, as well as in the memory of people who, over the years, have known and appreciated Elio as an architect, artist and, above all, as a friend.